Whenever I travel, my stomach gets upset.
The angst of ensuring everything is aligned (and I make my connections with all my body parts and bags) causes my muscles to contract.
It’s largely unconscious, and it’s the body’s way of protecting me.
Stress can be a positive influence; challenge and change aid in evolution and encourage the individual to new lengths.
It’s all about managing the fluctuation of hormones coursing through the body during these moments of strife.
I’ve garnished my schedule with kriyas (movements), pranayamas (breathwork), and meditations to help me during these transition periods.
Here are the 3 sequences I’ve been working with this month:
Kriya for (Apana) Elimination
Mudra to Tranquillize the Mind Meditation
30-Minute Infinity Kriya Variation
You can take these classes with me online anytime (accessible on my YouTube Channel) or practice with me virtually on Zoom!
Class times for this week and links are below.
Sending you light,