
I am currently in Pilates Teacher Training. 

It's an intimate setting, and I'm the only one out of town participating.

The group received me after our discussion on Kundalini. 

The training teacher allowed me to answer the group's questions, mainly about the myth of the serpent, the Kundalini awakening, and the trending Kundalini activation. 

I've never had a Kundalini awakening, though my head gets hot. I don't think it's the serpent trying to escape. My Ayurvedic therapist tells me to consume less nuts, coffee, and nightshades to lessen the heat in my body.

I'm mainly invested in physiology—what happens to the glands, organs, and nervous system during Kundalini practice and how it benefits the brain and body. 

After the Q&A period, the teacher looked at me and said, 

"So your practice is Bhakti." 

I nodded. 

He smiled and looked at the room. 

"Her practice would be Bhakti because she is so analytical. It is Plato and Aristotle. If you're going to be Aristotelian about it, you must have Bhakti: the practice of devotion.

Since the discussion, I've considered how I can infuse my lifestyle with more Bhakti.

I'm calling it my Vault of Ardor.

Of course, this process needs a name, a container, and a timelinehere's my Aristotelian side kicking in.

And what is the Vault of Ardour?

  • Less criticism of myself and others.

  • Drinking my single cup of coffee each day without other actions creeping in, including writing and reading. 

  • Writing a poem each day about what I feel.

  • Doing yoga without preparing a sequence - feeling my body move to the tune clattering inside me.

  • Accepting what is for what it is without analysis (!

My partner (JP) will reflect my progress without knowing it. 

JP is the opposite of me in every way. He is emotional, sensitive, uninhibited, devoted to action without attachment to results, and utterly devastating when making plans.

I'm entering the Vault of Ardour, writing this to you while sipping a coffee and meditating on the purpose of devotion….

Perhaps I start again.

Sending you laughter and light,


Zoom Yoga

7am pst | 10am est | 4pm cet | 5pm trt

8am pst | 11am est | 5pm cet | 6pm trt

These classes are open for everyone to attend.

Please email me directly if you want to be added to the weekly Zoom link list.


Note for Spring

— E.E. Cummings

Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere)arranging
a window,into which people look(while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully

spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and fro moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there)and

without breaking anything.


What I’m eating:

◇ Coconut vegan cookies from Bel-Air

What I’m drinking:

◇ Brazilian coffee beans from beanbros

What I’m listening to:

Har Mantra for prosperity

Quote of the Week:

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.



1 question to brew on:

  • Do you tend toward the Aristotelian, Analytical, pragmatic, empiricism, or the Platonian, abstract, transcendental, idealism?


on loathing

